Thursday, March 25, 2010

i wore a skirt today

at work.
not working.
because no one is here!!
i'm so very bored-
i LOVE vampire weekend. they are so dang good.
i only have their first cd...i need to get their second one, asap.
i had a HUGE diet coke from the fountain machine downstairs...and i want another one.
my ears are clogged. it's awesome, is 23 too old for ear tubes?
if not- give me one, asap, for my left ear.
it's been crackling and plugged ALL DAY for the past 2 days
major bummer.
i wore a skirt today- hoping it would be warm. it's not.
but i still love my blue skirt, especially w/ flats.
i'll be outta this joint in 35 minutes. i don't know if can last!
i kind of want to stop at target on the way home- in which i ALWAYS buy something.
so i could save myself & NOT go.
we'll see what i do when the exit comes....
i love blue powerade. it's delicious.
i've had 3 in the past month!
i wish gas didn't cost so much, i'd be more likely to go on trips.
which in the end- is all i want to do after i graduate!
i got my first email about graduation! which is completely awesome.
makes me smile just thinking about it!
this is a pretty random collection of thoughts.
and now to end w/ some pictures:


  1. target = love.
    expensive gas = not love

    yay for graduation!!

  2. target DOES = love. it's so true.
    however, i saved some money & did NOT stop last night...but i'll probs end up there this weekend!!

    yay graduation!! when do you graduate??
