Monday, April 20, 2009

drinking coffee, thinking about days to come!

i'm really SUPER excited for Thursday this week.
#1. it's going to be stinking 80+ degrees down here in winona.
#2. WSU is hosting a "take back the night": which is a march against violence on women, that i am attending :)
#3. only 1 more week of classes after this thursday!

i'm in shock that this school year is just about over. and it makes me really sad but really excited at the same time. which i think is the normal way to feel at the end of your senior year (even if i'm not graduating). i have HUGE plans for the summer and i need to figure out and plan my schedule and money and time accordingly.
which means i need to make a list/calendar! i love lists! theyareexciting!

changes, i'm growing out my hair! like i want it medium/long again! so tell me NO! when i want to cut it all off in about 2 months. okdeal? and i want to go blonde for the summer, and am planning on it- when i get my first paycheck this summer.

MY MAINEST IS GRADUATING!!!! and i'm so excited to see her again. and make a trip to MI with my mom & meggers, what a car full of nuts. it'll be awesome! and we are STOPPING in chicago, no matter what, and having a meal there. and take pictures with that dang bean. like everyone else. hahah.

and lastly, bring on the SUNSHINE/SUMMER 2009!



  1. that dang bean!! we are going! and list time, for sure! i'm making a list of everything i want to do this summer! YAY! and let's keep each other accountable for realz this time, NO CUTTING!! blondebombshells!!

    the car really will be a car of nuts...driving through the night...oh dang!!

  2. I love the bean! You gotta do it!

    Can't wait for summerblondies=us!!!

    My hairs need some sun orsomething!!!

    Gosh, I am so ready to graduate right NOW. FED theH UP with it all!

    buttttt, I will miss hdale : (

