Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I <3 H. DUFF

hey guys.
i'm bored at 10:36pm, i have lots-o-reading to do.
but it's i don't wanna do it.
but i must, since i AM discussion leader for tomorrow's class
so i think this summer i'm going to take lots of day trips
like to duluth! or uptown! or downtown! or anywhere inbetween! or ikea!
haha. very different places, but i think it'll be awesome.
who's with me?
another thought that just crossed my mind: free coffee
i mean, really, how cool would that be...
tired? here's some free coffee. bad day? free coffee. good day? free coffee!
you know? makes a lotta sense
i want to paint my room this summer, maybe something a little bit darker & different.
it's about time, cause ice blue....ain't my thing anymore
so any thoughts about color just shoot em my way. i'm ready for ya.

ok, readin' time


ps: all i want to do is nap & craft. ya know?


  1. we'll think about your colors....and acutally clean it this summer!! for real! with maybe some white wine..because i like that stuff!

    and i support the free coffee movement one-hundred percent.

    i also support day trips.
    seriously, just get in the car and drive when ever we have time..even if it's just to a random lake to tan, because that's free.. duh!

    ps-amen to your ps!!!!!!


  2. yay! i'm so ready for this to happen.
    let's paint & clean right away, so that we can fully enjoy the results all summer :)
    and white wine? amenamen, the stuff is yummy.

    can't wait!

  3. I approve of all of the above. Yepyep!!!

    Hooray for white wine. Thee best kind. No doubt.

    Painting is fun!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wish I had more coffee right now...even better if it were free....maybe I'll get on that before my next class...

    Loves ya babes!!

  4. we are!!
    i agree! let's do the room right away!
