Tuesday, April 14, 2009

update on my life

hey guys! apparently we've all been slacking off these past days/weeks...so i'm going to start secret blogging again. exciting!

SCHOOL: is going, and going, and going. i just want to be done with winona- i've had my fill of people/roommates/homework/lectures/presentations/etc. the whole schooling experience. i would like to update that my roommates and i are all good again :) and everything is healing between us. so that's awesome. today was one of the busiest days in a while, complete with a HUGE psychology exam, 60 pgs of reading & a 4 page reflection, and several hours of class. (and wouldn't you know, i get my stinkin period in the MIDDLE of my exam, complete with immediate cramps & feelings of fainting from pain. the usual.) other then that, i'm going to be searching for internships and field experience hours everywhere...and applying for graduation!

LIFE: as you all know, my little Amelia was born and Wayne just turned 6 and Olive the the cutest little girl ever. my mom was finally diagnosed with osteo-arthritis in her back, so hopefully she can start healing and getting better now. jeff & allie are doing awesome :) what a blessing that everything has turned out so wonderful for them. my whole family is still working on the mandy & jay situation, so prayer is always needed in that case. no boys for me down in winona, just friends. i'm thinking that a boyfriend right now would most likely be more of an annoyance than a blessing, but it's always nice to be crushin on someone....

SUMMER: is almost here. full of times with my girls and my family. probably some of the best times i'll ever have happen during the summer months, when everything is wonderful, and when there's sunshine and rain! oh how i miss thunderstorms and rainy/warm days. my cousin joanna is coming for the month of may so she'll be hanging with us girlies when she's not interning at my aunt's school. we've planned lots of stuff that she wants to do, including a trip to club3. duh. and i miss.... music festivals! anna is finally old enough for sonshine and she's DYING to go. so maybe one more sonshine girls? cause pretty sure that i'm going to go with her :)

NEW FAVORITES: forever21, even though it's been here a while, i'm re-in-love with their summer clothes & awesomely ugly sunglasses. pretty sure by the end of summer i'll have TONS of new shades. i really want a pair of red shoes, like flats or tennis shoes or something...idk i'm just craving a pop of color on my feet. OH! and new flats: huge goal for the summer.

SONG: eric nicholas "song for my future wife" listen to it and love it!

FUTURE: interning somewhere...living with alyssa in 2010? graduation in May 2010 from winona! and, this really freaked me out, turning 24 in 2010! crap man!



  1. whoa!! 2010 is a big year.
    and the olympics in british columbia, DUH!!!
    i LOVE our new shirt/dress thing from f21.i wore it with my boyfriend pants because it is just a tad too short, ya know? dang modesty! haha. okay, so i have this AMAZING article for you to read, it is cheesy and about love and purity and waiting and giving it all to your husband and it is us they're talking about! yay!

    my goal is still a red cardigan.
    and a tan(because that is free)
    and living with you and lyss (because looks as if that is going to be the case, and it'll be the time of our lives)

  2. I can't wait for summerdress time ALLTHETIME!!

    And, I really wanna meet Miss Amelia!

    Thank goodness summer is coming asap.

    Love ya, sissie!
